Fast Wipe 2.0 Improved, English Tutorial

  • por javier
  • 22 de Marzo de 2023

Fast Wipe Windows


Fast Wipe 2.0 FSWipe Windows

        _____         _    __        ___
        |  ___|_ _ ___| |_  \ \      / (_)_ __   ___
        | |_ / _  / __| __|  \ \ /\ / /| | '_ \ / _ \
        |  _| (_| \__ \ |_    \ V  V / | | |_) |  __/
        |_|  \__,_|___/\__|    \_/\_/  |_| .__/ \___|
         File & Directory Destroyer

Fast Wipe is an utility that works from command line (cmd).
Before continue, you need to know basic cmd usage
(cd, dir, del, directories or folders, files, wildcards...)
If you are not familiarized with that, this program is not for you.
-OR- you should learn the basics of cmd usage.

First of all, this program needs administrative rights (root or Administrator)
to work successfully in most cases.

After this warning, i will explain you how to use this tool.
wipe (wipe.exe) destroys files and directories recursively
according to one or more wildcards like this:

c:\>wipe myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*
user@kepler:/#wipe myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*

This command will destroy recursively:
-all .txt files from current folder (c:\)
-all directories or folders which name starts with doc
-all .exe files from current folder (c:\)

The default destruction tech is:
Department of Defense (DoD) USA 5220.22-M (3 rewrites/3 verify)
you can choose another technique by adding a flag this way:

c:\>wipe -b myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*
user@kepler:/#wipe -b myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*

This time we can use:
British HMG IS5 (1 rewrite/1 verify)
using the -b flag.

there are more techniques you can use in wipe (following)
(only one at a time):

-b British HMG IS5 (1 rewrite/1 verify)
-b2 British HMG IS5 (Enhanced) (3 rewrites)
-d3 Department of Defense (DoD) USA 5220.22-M (3 rewrites/3 verify)
-d7 Department of Defense (DoD) USA 5220.22-M (ECE) (7 rewrites)
-f force execution as normal user (unsafe!)
-g Russian GOST P50739-95 (2 rewrites)
-gm Peter Gutmann (35 rewrites)
-n1 NAVSO P-5239-26 (RLL) (3 rewrites/1 verify)
-n2 NAVSO P-5239-26 (MFM) (3 rewrites/1 verify)
-n3 NAVSO P-5239-26 (ALT) (3 rewrites/1 verify)
-o Canadian RCMP TSSIT OPS-II (7 rewrites)
-s Bruce Schneier (7 rewrites)
-v German VSITR (7 rewrites)

More options:

The -bf (buffer size) option allows you to specify
the size of the read/write buffer.
If you wipe huge files, a big buffer size will improve the
speed of wipe.

-bf int <buffer in="" megabytes="" size=""> (default 50)</buffer>

c:\>wipe -b -bf 2048 myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*
user@kepler:/#wipe myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*
This will create a buffer of 2Gb or 2048 Mb to speed up things.

The -r (rounds to wipe) allows to repeat the destruction procedure several times.

-r int <rounds to="" wipe=""> (times to rewrite each file) (default 1)</rounds>

c:\>wipe -b -r 4 myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*
user@kepler:/#wipe -b -r 4 myconfidentialfolder *.txt *.exe anotherfolder doc*

This will repeat 4 times 1 write and 1 read of
British HMG IS5 (1 rewrite/1 verify)
(-b flag)

	_____         _    __        ___            
	|  ___|_ _ ___| |_  \ \      / (_)_ __   ___ 
	| |_ / _  / __| __|  \ \ /\ / /| | '_ \ / _ \
	|  _| (_| \__ \ |_    \ V  V / | | |_) |  __/
	|_|  \__,_|___/\__|    \_/\_/  |_| .__/ \___|
	 Free Space Wipe Utility   

Fast Wipe is an utility that works from command line (cmd).
Before continue, you need to know basic cmd usage
(cd, dir, del, directories or folders, files, wildcards...)
If you are not familiarized with that, this program is not for you.
-OR- you should learn the basics of cmd usage.

After this warning, i will explain you how to use this tool.
fswipe (fswipe.exe) cleans free disk space of a disk or partition
according to one or more parameters like this:

c:\>fswipe c:

user@kepler:/#fswipe /

First of all, this program needs administrative rights (root or Administrator)
to work successfully in most cases.

This command will create a huge file (fastwipe.fill) that will overwrite
all free space of the partition or drive.
After that, the file is deleted.

You should close all other programs that could write to disk
if you dont want surprises and stop working on computer until
process finishes.

The flags from wipe are the same for fswipe: destruction technique, rounds, buffer...

If you want, you can contact me at:
[email protected] (Javier Garcia)
Feel free to ask for improvements, flames, or drop me an email if you like this software.

Thanks for using Fast Wipe.

Fast Wipe Linux

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